98 we say that VSU will be a catalyst for regional comprehensive progress, we mean it. So, let our voices rise, each and every one of us, rise as one united Blazer Nation family, and declare to the world that now is our time.” Following a burst of applause from those in attendance, Carvajal went on to note that VSU has no choice but to put everything it has into this effort, to shout from its red, terra cotta- tiled rooftops and share its commitment to growth and excellence with the world. “By now, many of you know that, in the summer of 2014, I got a stomachache,” he shared. “It got worse and worse, ultimately forcing me to crawl into an emergency room, where I almost died. Weeks of tests followed ….” Doctors eventually discovered that Carvajal had pancreatic cancer. “No matter how many obstacles I had overcome before, my chances of getting through this one were the poorest of all,” he said. “… there is no good cancer to get, but mine is one of the worst, with survival rates of even a few years in the single digits. But … I’m still here. That’s right. In this latest chapter of my crazy story, I beat the odds yet again. One of the most invasive surgeries ever conceived, six months of hell called chemotherapy, and more support than anyone could ever deserve — all of that has allowed me to stand here before you today, fully knowing that I am the luckiest, most blessed man the vast majority of you will ever know.” Reflecting on his journey from cancer diagnosis to cure, Carvajal talked about how his early “why me” days became “why did I survive” days. “I think I survived so that I could be here with you for this time,” he said. “I think I survived so that I could share this story, a story that provides me with all the motivation I ever need to make the most of every opportunity — and maybe it will have the same effect on you.” “If you come into my office, you will see a wood carving that sits front and center on my desk,” he continued. “It was given to me by a dear friend during my recovery, and it says simply, ‘Make it Matter.’ That saying now serves as motivation for everything I do every day, and it’s most certainly why I’m here, and it’s why I think all of you who work here — or support us with your time or treasure — are here, too. We are here for these students. We are here because what happens to them matters. “I will do this work because it matters, and you will, too, and … (the people whose lives we change) will be the reason all of us will know every day that it was worth it.” The Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia named Carvajal president of VSU on Dec. 9, 2016. From his first day as a member of the Blazer Nation family — Jan. 1, 2017 — he has worked to solidify institutional leadership, strengthen relationships with students and other university constituents, and create a common vision for VSU’s future.