Resources For Faculty & Staff
Mission – Recommendations and approvals for changes in the curriculum and other items needing faculty input.
Membership – Department Heads and two faculty members from each department; *Associate Dean, Administrative Secretary (non-voting). *F22-SP23 Dr. Ben Harper from the Department of Music will serve as chair and signatory for the COA Executive Curriculum Committee.
Process/Workflow – (this can take a long time)
Please review Academic Affairs - Curriculum Forms & Guidelines
1) Curriculum/course materials originate with a faculty member, curriculum committee, or Dept. Head in the Academic Program. (Complete required forms—Links to forms below).
** Please include a narrative to summarize all curriculum revisions/changes/new courses, etc.
The narrative/summary should assist the COA Executive Committee, Graduate Executive Committee and VSU Academic Committee understand the curriculum changes more holistically and how the changes affect a program(s) and overall department offerings.
New programs or complex/comprehensive curriculum revisions/changes should include rationale, address quality improvement & potential changes in assessments, changes in learning objectives/outcomes, changes in resources, faculty coverage, course rotations, include curriculum “crosswalks” as needed, etc.
Multiple documets/forms should be saved using a numeric prefix:
01-Name, 02-Name,03-Name, 04-Name, etc., to organize/order files for review.
2) Curriculum/course materials are submitted to and reviewed/approved by the academic program’s Department Curriculum Committee.
3) Curriculum/course materials are submitted to and reviewed/approved by the Department General Faculty.
4) Curriculum/course materials are submitted by the Dept. Curriculum Committee Chair for review and approval by the Department Head.
5) Curriculum/course materials are submitted by the Dept. Head for review and approval by the COA Executive/Curriculum Committee chair (documents are uploaded to MS Teams for review by the COA Committee - see COA submission deadlines & meeting schedule)
6) Curriculum/course materials are submitted by the COA Exec./Curr. Comm. Chair (Assoc. Dean or designee) for review and approval by the COA Dean.
7) **Graduate course or curriculum materials must be submitted to, reviewed and approved by the Graduate Executive Committee.
8) Curriculum/course materials must be submitted to, reviewed, and approved by the University Academic Committee.
9) Curriculum/course materials must be submitted to, reviewed, and approved by the VSU Faculty Senate.
10) Approved curriculum/course materials/changes are entered into the appropriate undergrad/grad catalog for the following year.
- COA Executive Curriculum Meetings
(Mondays) 3:30pm, Fine Arts Building - Location FA2016 - Graduate Executive Meetings
(Thursdays) 2-3pm, Converse Hall 3007 or ONLINE via MS TEAMS - Academic Committee Meetings
(Mondays) 2:30pm, University Center - Faculty Senate Meetings (Thursdays) 3:30pm, Location TBD
- Tips & Suggestions to Prepare for a Personnel Action
- COA Digital Preparation-Submission Guidelines
- Learn how to upload documents to your shared OneDrive folder
- Learn how to ready your documents for submission via OneDrive
- Learn how to ready your documents for submission via OneDrive
- COA Policies & Procedures for Promotion, Tenure & Evaluation of Faculty
- COA Personnel Action / T&P Timeline (updated for Digital Process)
- COA Statement Narrative (3-1-19)
- COA Tenure (Pre, Tenure & Post) Cover Page (3-1-19)
- COA Promotion (Tenure-Track Assistant, Associate, Full) Cover Page (3-1-19)
- COA Lecturer Non-Tenure Track Cover Page (3-1-19)
- VSU Academic Affairs Tenure and Promotion Links & Resources
- Faculty Evaluation Model at 茄子视频-(current)
The Right To Know on-line safety training is provided by the Board of Regents of the .
Departmental Faculty, Staff, and Student Assistants may be required to complete annual training and compliance. Once you have opened an Internet browser application and have connected to the web address listed above, click on the link at the top of the page to begin the test. The RTK training session should take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. Make sure to click on the NEXT link located in the upper right corner of the page to advance to each page. Finish the test and fill out the form (name, school, etc.). SUBMIT/PRINT A COPY of the Certificate of Training Completion and send to your appropriate Supervisor/Instructor.
The University System of Georgia has on their website.
College of the Arts
VSU College of the Arts
Fine Arts Building
1500 N. Patterson
Valdosta, GA 31698 -
Mailing Address
1500 N. Patterson St.
Valdosta, GA 31698 - Phone: 229.333.5832
- Fax: 229.245.3799