Yes, all VSU Police Officers are state law enforcement officers certified in accordance with the . They have the same arrest power as any city or county law enforcement officer.

Our office is located in the Oak Street Parking Deck. Enter from the glass enclosure on the southeast side of the parking deck (closest to the Fine Arts building). You will see an elevator and a door to the stairwell, both will deliver you into our lobby on the 2nd floor. 


Yes, our officers provide walking escorts 24/7. If you are concerned for your safety while going from point A to point B on campus, call us at (229) 333-7816 and we will be glad to walk with you to your destination.

Parking citations are paid at the  They are located on the 1st floor of the Sustella Parking Deck at 1300 Sustella Ave.

State citations (e.g. traffic offenses or misdemeanor offenses such as DUI or Possession of Marijuana) are handled through the . They are located at 327 N. Ashley Street in downtown Valdosta. 

VSUPD jurisdiction extends 500 yards in all directions from any property owned or leased by the Board of Regents and the University System of Georgia. However, VSUPD officers are state law enforcement officers and can go wherever they are requested. Our officers are often requested to provide assistance to other local agencies and may be seen off campus for investigative purposes.  

Officers patrol campus 24/7, 365 days a year, including school holidays and breaks. If our lobby is locked, pick up the phone on the wall to be connected to a dispatcher. They can remotely unlock the door to provide access to the lobby.

Our administrators and command staff are in the office Monday through Thursday from 8am to 5:30pm and Fridays from 8am to 3pm.  

To obtain a copy of a police report, email and provide them with your name and the case number for the report you are requesting. If you do not have a case number, provide as much information as possible about when and where the incident occurred. This will aid in locating your report.

In Georgia, the Campus Carry Law, enacted through House Bill 280, allows individuals who are 21 or older and are lawful weapons carriers to carry a handgun in a concealed manner on public college and university campuses. It does not allow any other type of gun to be carried; nor does it allow handguns to be carried openly. 
  • Athletic facilities
  • Housing facilities
  • Classrooms or spaces used for classes in which high school students are enrolled, such as duel-enrollment. Visit registrar to verify classes don't have minors. 
  • Faculty, staff and administrative offices, including office suite common areas.
  • Rooms during times when they are being used for disciplinary proceedings of any kind. 
For more detailed information, read more about  

Yes, pepper spray and commercially available electroshock weapons such as stun guns, are allowed on campus. There is no age restriction on the possession of pepper spray, however, you must be 18 years old to possess an electroshock weapon.