Student Concerns and Complaints/Grievances
- The Blazer Creed
- Description and Examples of Student Concerns
- Description and Examples of Student Complaints/Grievances
- Process and Procedures
- Records Retention Schedules for Related Documents
The Blazer Creed
Valdosta State University is a learning environment based on trust and mutual respect in which open dialogue, vigorous debate, and the free exchange of ideas are welcome. The University is equally dedicated to the core values of community, including a commitment to practice civility, integrity, and citizenship. As members of this community, and proud Blazers, we will strive to uphold these core values for the advancement of the University.
The Blazer Creed articulates the goals of the VSU community and affirms that members of this community will strive to display the attributes of Civility, Integrity, and Citizenship in their dealings with each other. When students experience issues in their experience at 茄子视频 that cause them concern, they should work to resolve these issues in this spirit. As an educational community, faculty, staff, and students should handle all issues with care and concern, endeavoring to communicate clearly, effectively, and respectfully.
In general, student issues fall into two broad categories:
- Student Concerns are informal and relate to minor issues that can be solved between individuals such as student and faculty member or student and staff member in an office. These student concerns are usually communicated directly to the individual either verbally or through informal written communication (i.e., email). Examples may include concerns about course scheduling, timeliness of faculty feedback, questions about policies, etc. Academic programs or university offices do not generally keep formal records of these concerns, although they should have a process in place for responding to them. This process should involve a timely response, preferably no more than 1-3 business days during a normal working week. For students, the most effective and expeditious route to approach a concern is to first speak directly with the individual involved, whether it is a faculty member, an advisor, a staff member in an office, etc. If students do not feel comfortable meeting with the involved faculty/staff member to discuss the concern, they may prefer to contact the individual’s supervisor (a department head, director, etc.). If students have difficulty identifying the appropriate supervisor, they may wish to consult department/office website or a trusted faculty or staff member for that information. All VSU departments and offices have a “Contact Us” button on their website to which questions may be directed.
- Student Complaints/Grievances are more formal processes and are usually communicated in writing to the academic program/office. These complaints regard issues that have a significant negative impact on students' learning experiences. Examples may include a grade appeal or appeal of an admissions decision. Complaints usually require a formal process within the program or office to bring about a resolution, and records regarding their resolution are generally kept on file for a period of time based on the program's and/or university's policy. Some of these complaints have a form provided while others do not have a specific form. In those cases, students should submit a written statement first to the individual directly involved, whether a faculty or staff member. If the issue is not resolved, the complaint may then be directed, in writing, to the department head or director appropriate to the area of concern. If not resolved, the complaint should continue to progress through the appropriate channels to the Vice President in the area involved.
Process and Procedures
VSU strives to provide student complaint policies and procedures that are reasonable, fairly administered, and well publicized and are in accordance with SACSCOC Principle 12.4. A student complaint at VSU involves a problem or issue that may be academic or non-academic and must be submitted in writing. The below table provides all VSU degree-seeking students, regardless of instruction modality or location, with contact information for common areas of concern.
Area of Student Concern, Complaint, Grievance, or Appeal |
Office Name |
Process and Reference |
Academic Advising |
Office of University Advising |
For concerns about undergraduate advising issues, complete the online form or email |
Academic Advising |
Department of your Degree Program |
For concerns about graduate advising issues, contact the department of your degree program. |
Academic Grievance |
Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs |
Final Grade Appeal Process and Form Application for Undergraduate Readmission Other academic grievances may be submitted in writing to |
Academic Misconduct |
Office of the Dean of Students |
Complaints against a student for academic misconduct violations of the Student Code of Conduct should be submitted to the Office of Student Conduct using the online . |
Academic Record and Student Information |
Office of the Registrar |
Complaints regarding academic records that are protected by the Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) must be submitted in writing to |
Admissions - Graduate |
Graduate School |
Procedures and forms for appealing an admission denial or dismissal from a program are available on the Graduate School’s Appeals webpage. |
Admissions - Undergraduate |
Office of Undergraduate Admissions |
Appeals for undergraduate admission decisions may be submitted to Students who have previously attended VSU as an undergraduate and would like to return submit an Application for Undergraduate Readmission. |
BlazeView and Online Learning |
Office of eLearning |
Technical concerns about BlazeView, SmartPath Core, GoView, or online learning can be sent by email to Technical concerns about eCore can be sent by email to |
Campus Police |
Department of Public Safety and Police Department |
Complaints regarding campus police may be filed using the Official Commendation or Complaint Form. Anonymous tips can be submitted through the Anonymous Tips Form. |
Discrimination, Harassment, Title IX, or Sexual Misconduct |
Office of the Dean of Students |
Issues of sexual harassment, violence, misconduct, or discrimination should be reported to the Title IX Coordinator at or by submitting an . |
Financial Aid Determination and Eligibility |
Office of Financial Aid |
Appeals regarding financial aid eligibility, family contribution, dependency, or satisfactory academic progress must be submitted in writing following the policies and procedures found on their Appeals Information page. |
Internships and Co-Op Programs |
Career Opportunities |
Complaints regarding Cooperative Education or Career Opportunities may be submitted in writing to |
Information Technology |
Solutions Center |
Issues regarding information technology can be sent through the Solutions Center Technology Services Portal. |
Non-Academic Misconduct |
Office of the Dean of Students |
Complaints against a student for non-academic misconduct violations of the Student Code of Conduct should be submitted to the Office of Student Conduct using the online . |
International Education |
Center for International Programs |
Complaints regarding International Student Services may be submitted in writing to |
Parking and Transportation |
Parking and Transportation |
Appeals regarding a citation may be filed through the . |
Residence Life |
Office of Housing and Residence Life |
Work orders for routine maintenance should be submitted through the . Complaints regarding residence life facilities may be submitted in writing to Complaints regarding student conduct should be directed to the Hall Director or Area Coordinator, via the contact information provided on the residence life website. Release from a housing contract should follow the Appeal Procedures. |
Student Accounts |
Office of Student Financial Services and Bursary |
Complaints regarding student accounts may be submitted in writing to |
Student Disability Accommodations and ADA Compliance |
Access Office |
To review a decision made by the Access Office completing the online Request a Review or File a Grievance Form. |
Student Organizations |
Office of the Dean of Students |
Complaints against a student organization for violation of the Student Code of Conduct should be submitted to the Office of Student Conduct using the online . |
for Documents Related to Concerns and Complaints/Grievances
Number: 0472-06-012
Number: 0472-06-038
Number: 0472-06-040
Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Academic Affairs
West Hall Suite 1004 -
Mailing Address
1500 N. Patterson St.
Valdosta, GA 31698 - Office
- Phone: 229.333.5950
- Fax
- Fax: 229.333.7400