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Each student will: Understand the benefits and problems inherent in a multicultural society Essay- must have a title page, minimum of 3 typed pages of text double spaced size 12 font (including information about your past experiences and how it relates to multiculturalism), and a references page with a minimum of 3 sources Oral Presentation- 10 minutes minimum; 15 minutes maximum (could include PowerPoint) Other Documentation- workshops, other classes, training sessions, etc. including a typed brief description/explanation of the documentation (open for discussion of possible other forms of documentation) Consider how one’s own regional, cultural, or ethnic heritage influences self-definition Essay- must have a title page, minimum of 2 typed pages of text double spaced size 12 font **can be done in conjunction with any of the other objectives if an essay is written - just include the additional text pages Oral Presentation- 10 minutes minimum; 15 minutes maximum (could include PowerPoint) **if done with other objective presentations add an additional minimum 5 minutes, 10 minutes maximum to the presentation Other Documentation- workshops, other classes, training sessions, etc. including a typed brief description/explanation of the documentation (open for discussion of possible other forms of documentation) Consider one’s own self-definition within the context of other regions, cultures, or ethnic heritages Essay- must have a title page, minimum of 2 typed pages of text double spaced size 12 font **can be done in conjunction with any of the other objectives if an essay is written - just include the additional text pages Oral Presentation- 10 minutes minimum; 15 minutes maximum (could include PowerPoint) **if done with other objective presentations add an additional minimum 5 minutes, 10 minutes maximum to the presentation Other Documentation- workshops, other classes, training sessions, etc. including a typed brief description/explanation of the documentation (open for discussion of possible other forms of documentation) Examine how recent debates over multiculturalism continue to shape both the classroom and the nation Essay- must have a title page, minimum of 3 typed pages of text double spaced size 12 font **can be done in conjunction with any of the other objectives if an essay is written - just include the additional text pages Oral Presentation- 10 minutes minimum; 15 minutes maximum (could include PowerPoint) **if done with other objective presentations add an additional minimum 10 minutes, 15 minutes maximum to the presentation Other Documentation- workshops, other classes, training sessions, etc. including a typed brief description/explanation of the documentation (open for discussion of possible other forms of documentation) **If a student elects to write an essay for all the above objectives the total minimum length of written text is 10 pages. If an oral presentation is done the total minimum time is 30 minutes. Engage in spirited, intellectual inquiry into multicultural issues Conversation- the student will have a conversation with one of the Multicultural professors, minimum 15 minutes, and maximum 30 minutes Other Documentation- workshops, other classes, training sessions, etc. including a typed brief description/explanation of the documentation (open for discussion of possible other forms of documentation)  Develop students’ skills in oral communication, written communication, and critical thinking Demonstrated in the above activities $'(<Ia€Аіїј U V [ ? 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